Sunshine Logo

The Sunshine Campaign

from TrPharma a division of ThinkRoman Ventures

Bringing Sunshine  

to the World

The Sunshine Campaign is a movement to raise awareness about the importance of Vitamin D and provide access to affordable supplements for those in need.

About the Campaign

The Sunshine Campaign is an initiative to address the widespread issue of Vitamin D deficiency. Through education, screening, and access to affordable supplements, we aim to improve the health and well-being of people around the world.


Raising awareness about the importance of Vitamin D and its role in maintaining good health.


Providing free or low-cost Vitamin D screening to identify those at risk of deficiency.


Offering affordable, high-quality Vitamin D supplements to those in need, such as the SoharD 60K from TrPharma.


Our Valued Partners

The Sunshine Campaign is supported by a network of organizations and companies committed to improve health.
